[ Hanafiee Azlee, 8th September 2021 ]
To what extent of our conscious minds do we talk about ecological sustainability? Is it something we ponder upon every day? Or is it a topic that would make us feel emotionally invested when one brings it up? It could be both. Ecological sustainability isn’t something you would randomly talk about while spending time with your friends. It is always perceived as an argumentative topic that would be discussed by the governmental board. Let’s be honest, we don't even think about it, right? I don’t blame anyone as there is so little media exposure when it comes to ecological sustainability. To some, planting a tree in a landscaped area would combat that crisis, is the way to go but it isn’t counterproductive to solve the crisis on a global level. To others, it is the thought of survival and how we can improve as a whole nation, or better still as the human race.
However, before we discuss the possible approach towards ecological sustainability, let’s talk about the definition of - ecological sustainability.
Ecological sustainability refers to the biological manageability of not being destructive to the climate and supporting long-term ecological balance. Basically, it is about stabilizing the current relationship between earth's two most complex systems: human culture and the living world. For centuries, we have deforested trees and killed animals to build a place called home and give us sustenance for human consumption. Additionally, plastics have been one of the top environmental killers to this day. Air pollutants emitted out from factories, due to the burning of fossil fuels are the cause of air pollution. Overpopulation is also considered a factor that affects the ecological condition. The more living being exists on this green earth, the more space, and food needed to survive. These are the few of many factors that have caused a disruptive connection between humans and nature.
To what degree can mother nature give us the support we need if we are not conserving and protecting her?
It's not simply about the number of trees you plant or the amount of garbage you picked from being tossed out, or in any event, reducing the number of hurtful gases from vehicles and factories. It's about how every one of these factors consolidates to establish an eco-friendly climate. The requirement for moving towards a manageable future is for ourselves, yet more critically for the younger generations. Henceforth, it is obligatory for us to save the planet we are living on, as we rely upon it on our everyday premises. It is the source of us living up to this day. It is in fact a loss lost if we still can't seem to be grateful for what we have right up 'til today.
However, I guess a more direct question would be - What is our role in mitigating this problem?
Personally, I feel like there is quite a handful of contributions we can make to reimburse back the balance between humans and nature. One of the ways we can give back to nature is to use eco-friendly power lines. Since we are in a technology-dependent era, we can use the help of technology to help provide us with a greener and cleaner environment. Resorting to renewable energy and green electricity plans can help reduce the carbon footprint that we have emitted. What better way to live than living on green energy?
We could also think about our food intake on a day-to-day basis. Perhaps, a change of diet or eating habits may fit the bill. A vegetarian diet has been scientifically proven to have the lowest environmental impact as they produce fewer tons of carbon dioxide than meat. Of course, if you are a meat lover like me, how can we say no to them! We can, however, reduce our meat consumption start eating more greens! A healthier body, healthier Earth.
Our mode of transportations also plays a huge role in carbon emission. As cliché as it sounds, taking public transportation often does the job. Most public transport vehicles use cleaner fuel energy than personal transport, like cars. Ergo, many environmental organizations are advising people to use public transport. To those who already own a car, just use an eco-friendly fuel instead
There are obviously more ways for us to live an eco-friendly life, such as using sustainable materials and making more informed choices that are more environmentally friendly Don’t restrict yourself to the few things that I have mentioned. View this blog as an awakening instead – a guide. It is time for us to do something. If change is what we want, we ourselves, have to be the change.