No light zone plants? Is that even possible? Okay maybe not total darkness but perhaps shady area where there is quite a slim amount of sun rays that shine in! Actually, these plants are so low maintenance that all you need is just a regular artificial light that can be found from your standing lamp or even ceiling lights!
Of course, we all know that plants require a good amount of lights to partake in a biochemical process called photosynthesis. I would highly recommend having a good amount of indirect rays that can be found from your window or door grails, to have more luscious, greener leaves and to speed up their growth!
In my previous blogs, I've always talked about plants that require high amount of lights and the importance of lights in the process of growing and developing to become a stronger, beautiful plants. In this blog, I will further explain how darkness and shade play a huge role in ensuring that the plants growing are healthy and green!
1. Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema)
Chinese evergreen is a hardy plant that can withstand some neglect. Beautiful, white blooms that resemble calla lilies are produced by mature plants. The leaves of the Chinese evergreen will be scorched by excessive light, thus it does best in dim light or under a normal bulb. Pick a variegated variety with darker leaves because those with cream or silver marks on them need a little more light.
2. Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior)
This slow-growing plant is incredibly hardy and doesn't like a lot of hassle; overwatering and frequent repotting can both be harmful to the plant. Although cast iron plant may grow in very low light, it won't thrive in complete darkness, like most shade-loving plants. It’s beautiful white spots act like stars in the universe! So dramatic but it is so pretty!
3. ZZ plant (Zamioculcas)
Be wary of the ZZ plant's glossy, waxy leaves, which are deceptive because it can tolerate very little natural light and as strong as nails and almost impossible to kill. It can also survive in a dry climate and grows well with infrequent watering. Sometimes, neglection is key for these greens.
4. Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)
The monstera plant, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, impresses with large, robust, heart-shaped leaves that, as the plant ages, acquire intriguing holes or splits. This plant can tolerate any level of light, but because it likes to climb, make careful to offer a trellis or pole covered in moss.
5. Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
Lucky bamboo, which is reputed to bring its owner good fortune, thrives in water-filled vases or jars or in pots filled with regular potting soil. For this nearly durable plant, low light is ideal. Lucky bamboo, however, is delicate to chlorine and other contaminants present in ordinary tap water. Use bottled or distilled water to get around this issue, or simply leave water out for 24 hours and the contaminants will evaporate.
Why is shade as equally as important as sunlight?
Like us humans, we can barely withstand the heat and the light the sun emits, unless of course some of us are acquainted with the ability to go through blistering heat without scorching your skin. Shade acts as a protective barrier to the vegetations, protecting the leaf-skin and preventing from losing excessive amount of moisture! I am not talking about plants that are categorized under the cacti family, those leaf-for-pins-and-needles require 12 hours of light max as it has been genetically adapted to grow under heaty and sunny area. I am relating to plants that are leafier, like your normal Monstera plants, or philodendrons.
When the moon reaches its peak, instead of photosynthesizing, plants respire and burn the stored starch that they produce in the morning to continue to fuel their growth. Not to scare you but plants take in oxygen and release CO2 when it is at night.
“But how do we survive? That means we can not have plants beside our bedrooms or in our house? Will our oxygen level deplete?”
No silly. Even though plants respire at night, meaning absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, they only absorb like a miniscule percentage of oxygen. The environment has quite an ample enough oxygen for us to breathe in, so not to worry.
[Written by Hanafiee Azlee, 6July 2022 ]