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Plants that are beneficial to our living environment

I don’t know about you guys, but I do believe in plants calming our environment down by helping us to think clearer, breathe better, soothe our eyes from the light emitted from our phone or computers, levelling our energy and many more. We are less stress when there are plants surrounding our environment, at least I know I am. It has also been scientifically proven that patients from hospitals benefit greatly by forging connection with nature that are around them. Interior landscaping has huge effects on the health of those working close-by nature. Plants in general help us in our day-to-day premises, just that we are not really aware of it. Like they say, “Silence is creation.”

We all know that plants go through photosynthesis, which the process of producing food and oxygen by converting light energy to chemical energy, through cellular respiration, which can fuel other organism’s activities. However, plants do play a huge environmental role we all can benefit from. Globally, Nature helps with managing climate and sustaining habitat by reducing global temperature, increasing sustainability, extending safe sanctuary for plants and animal to thrive and etc. However, owning plants can help in managing the little habitat of yours you called home! Cooling the environment and whatnot.

Well, let me list down the different types of house plants that help with micromanaging your environment that you can greatly benefit from.

Weeping fig

Weeping fig, also known as Ficus benjamina. With dense, glossy dark foliage, this attractive plant has slender branches that arch gently from a light gray base. The plants are generally clipped to maintain them between 3 and 6 feet tall when planted inside, and their trunks are occasionally braided for decorative appeal. It is a fast-growing plant that may require repotting up to once a year. Do so when the roots of the tree start to grow out of the pot!

English ivy

English Ivy, also known as, Hedera helix, is known for its fast-growing ability to trail down from a hanging basket or climb the wall up. It is quite invasive in nature and is known to dominate the groundcover family, due to its ability to thrive well from little to no care in the wild. However, it takes a bit of work to maintain the quality of the plant and ensure that it is growing well. It grows well on a moist growing medium and indirect bright light to partial shade. Always get your secateurs ready as this plant grows quickly!

Peace lily

Also known as Spathiphyllum spp, is one of the famous houseplants to have for beginners! They can thrive in low light and all you need to do is monitor the watering schedule. Peace lily is also known for its ability to purify the very air you breathe in! However, for it to flower, you may need to place it where it can get a sufficient amount of sunlight. Put them in well-draining soil and they will thrive as beautiful and as healthy!

Bamboo palm

Sorry to break it to you guys but, Bamboo palm, also known as Chamaedorea seifrizii, is not an actual bamboo. It is actually a palm! They grow well in indirect light to partial shade areas. Honestly, this specific palm is known to be placed in many houses, due to its unique foliar shape and the way it is genetically designed. If i have a place to put it in my house, trust me I will! This palm tree is also known for its air-purifying ability. I don't know about you guys but I would love to have a palm tree inside my house!

Dragon tree

Dracaena marginata, sometimes known as the dragon tree, is a beautiful shrub with green sword-like leaves with red edges. Dragon trees are popular as large potted plants for homes and offices because of their endurance for a wide variety of temperatures. During the growing season, they should be placed in well-draining soil and watered regularly. They may flourish in a range of light settings, but indirect bright light is preferable.

Despite their ability to purify the air and make the living environment a cleaner and safer one, they are also considered low maintenance plants! How cool is that! You guys don’t have to worry so much about your plants dying. Let it acclimatize to your environment, monitor their growth, be consistent with watering your watering schedule and as long as they get enough light for them to grow big and tall, you are good to go!


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